¿Qué es Lambiek Comiclopedia?
Lambiek Comiclopedia, es un compendio ilustrado de más de 10.000 comics de artistas de todo el mundo. En el se encuentra artistas de tiras o personajes de historietas.
Lambiek Comiclopedia, es una enciclopedia ilustrada de los artistas de historietas.
Se trata de tener referencia acerca de los artista.
Lambiek.Net, en línea desde 1994, presenta la Comiclopedia.
JUAN CARLOS SILVA (Creador de Cómics).
"Tengo el privilegio de pertenecer junto a mis colegas dibujantes de Cómics a la importante LAMBIEK COMICLOPEDIA - (Enciclopedia ilustrada de artistas de historietas de todo el mundo)".

Juan Carlos Silva
En el PERÚ se encuentan más de 40 artistas de historieta que son incluidos e integran en la famosa y reconocida Lambiek Comiclopedia (enciclopedia ilustrada de los artistas de historietas).
1. Comic creator: Gonzalo Mayo
Gonzalo Mayo (b. 1940, Peru) Gonzalo Mayo was born in Piuira, Peru. He illustrated Ciro Alegría's comics ... page 'Los Años Dorados'. Mayo left Peru after the military coup of October
2. Comic creator: Sebastian Burga
Sebastian Burga (Peru) Sebastian Burga is a comics artist from Peru. He was a contributor to the magazine Resina during the 1990s. He has also worked for the 'Nazca Comic' Sunday
3. Comic creator: Leo Morey
Pena Morey) (1899, Peru - 1965, USA) Flint Baker (Planet Comics #13, July 1941) Leo Morey was born in Lima, Peru, but eventually emigrated to the USA. He was an artist for
4. Comic creator: Victor Honigman
Weiss) (1921, Austria - 1994, Peru) Victor Honigman is best known as the creator of 'Supercholo', one of Peru's best-known comic characters. Born Witold Honigmann Weiss in Vienna
5. Comic creator: Monky (Hernán Alberto Bartra Moscoso)
Bartra Moscoso) (b. 1932, Peru) Born in Iquitos, Hernan Bartra was the ... three main characters represented the three regions of Peru. It appeared in Avanzada from June 1953. In
6. Comic creator: Carlos Castellanos
Christian Castellanos Casanova) (Peru) Carlos Castellanos is a comic artist from Lima, Peru. His first comic was called 'El Fugitivo' and was published in Ojo in 1985. 'El
7. Comic creator: Pablo Marcos
Pablo Marcos (b. 31/3/1937, Peru) Conan (1975) Pablo Marcos Ortega is one of ... the death of Che Guevara, the major quakes of Peru and Italy, and the world's greatest sport - soccer
8. Comic creator: Ricardo Villamonte
Ricardo Villamonte (Peru?) South-American artist Ricardo Villamonte has drawn for several Marvel and DC titles in the 1970s and 1980s (mainly inks). He did the series 'Beowulf:
9. Comic creator: Olivier Péru
Olivier Péru comiclopedia page by ... of the following year. Olivier Péru has furthermore done coloring for ... dakoïd (2006) Artwork 2009 Olivier Peru Website 1994-2009 Lambiek Send
10. Comic creator: Luis Baltazar
Luis Baltazar (Peru) Luis Baltazar worked as a cartoonist for newspapers like El Comercio and Última Hora. He is the creator of 'Picaflor', one of the few original Peruvian
11. Comic creator: Jorge Pérez-Ruibal
Pérez-Ruibal (b. 1978, Peru) Jorge Pérez-Ruibal, an artist from Lima, has made his own photocopied fanzines, like Trulópolis. His mainly autobiographical work has also been
12. Comic creator: Dante Faggioni
Mesías Faggioni) (b. 1948, Peru) Dante Faggioni was born in Huancayo as the son of a huancayan father and a punan mother. A self-taught artist, he was author of the title comic
13. Comic creator: Ricardo Fujita
Ricardo Fujita (b. 1932, Peru) Ricardo Fujita worked for the magazine La Presa between 1950 and 1967. He worked on strips like 'Átomo Antes'. He was among the first co-workers of
14. Comic creator: Alfonso La Torre
Torre (1927 - 2003, Peru) Born in Cuzco, Alfonso La Torre illustrated Arturo Daniel Hernández' novels 'Sangama' and 'SelvaTrágica' in the 1940s and 1950s. He was among the first
15. Comic creator: Luis Sayán Puente
Sayán Puente (b. 1949, Peru) Luis Sayán Puente became the assistant of comics artist José Estremadoyro. He illustrated the biographies of Túpac Amaru, Ladislao Espinar,
16. Comic creator: Salvador Velarde
Salvador Velarde (Q) (Peru) Salvador Velarde, who mostly signed with simply Q, was a contributor to satirical Peruvian comics magazines of the 1970s. He made 'Job y Jod' for Monos
17. Comic creator: Guillermo Osorio
Osorio (1935 - 1975, Peru) Born in Arequipa, Guillermo Osorio started out working as an artist for La Prensa. In the 1960s, he became known as a cartoonist for El Comercio. One of
18. Comic creator: Alex Salas
Alejandro Salas Machuca) (Peru) The Peruvian artist Alex Salas worked on stories with 'Topo Gigio' with scriptwriter E. Gudiño Kieffer for the Argentine Billiken magazine. He
19. Comic creator: Julio Polar
Julio Polar (b. 1945, Peru) Julio Polar is a popular Peruvian comic artist. He is editor of the magazine BUUUM and he has published comic strips and cartoons in many newspapers in
20. Comic creator: Alfredo Marcos Ortega
Marcos Ortega (b. 1945, Peru) Born in Lima, Alfred Marcos Ortega began his career at the age of 18, workinga as political caricaturist in Expreso. He made 'Pepe Mosca' for a year
21. Comic creator: Dionisio Torres Moreira
Torres Moreira (b. 1948, Peru) Dionisio Torres Moreira was born in Querobamba. He was one of the anonymous co-workers of the Estudios Osito -Monky for the magazine Escolar of
22. Comic creator: Diego Rondón Almuelle
Diego Rondón Almuelle (Peru) Diego Rondón Almuelle is a self-taught comics artist, educated in advertising art. He is one of the main representatives of the Pandemia art group
23. Comic creator: Jorge Bernuy
Jorge Bernuy (b. 1948, Peru) Jorge Bernuy is a student of comic artist Ricardo Villamonte , and an admirer of Alex Raymond and Al Williamson . He made the weekly science-fiction
24. Comic creator: David Málaga
David Málaga (b. 1930, Peru) David Málaga, born in the La Victoria district, studied pharmaceuticals and began his career as a medical propagandist. In the 1950s, he created the
25. Comic creator: Carlos Roose Silva
Silva (Crose) (b. 1929, Peru) Carlos Roose Silva was born in Trujillo, but moved to Lima at the age of 7. He began his career at the age of 17 in La Tribuna. He founded the
26. Comic creator: Cesar Carpio Guerra
Cesar Carpio Guerra (Peru) Cesar Carpio Guerra draws for the Argentine magazine Bastion Unlimited, for which he has illustrated the miniseries 'Dallilah' with scripts by Pablo
27. Comic creator: Javier Flórez del Águila
Flórez del Águila (b. 1934, Peru) Javier Flórez del Águila was born in Trujillo. He worked with Hernán Bartra and Rubén Osorio for the magazine Avanzada from 1954. He
28. Comic creator: Carlos Tovar Samamez
Samamez (Carlín) (b. 1947, Peru) Carlos Tovar Samamez graduated in architecture from the National University of Ingeniería in 1977. He has contributed to Monos y Monadas,
29. Comic creator: Juan Carlos Silva
Juan Carlos Silva (Peru) Juan Carlos Silva is a comic artist who draws for among others Rumbo Pesquero ('No Siempre Habra Suerte!!! and Esa Gente... Artwork 2009 Juan Carlos Silva
30. Comic creator: Carlos Lévano
Luna Victoria) (b. 1973, Peru) Born in Lima, Carlos Lévano graduated from ... faculty of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He has taken part in collective expositions
31. Comic creator: Lázarus (Lalo Morel)
Lázarus (Lalo Morel) (Peru) Lalo Morel, who signs with Lázarus, was one of the co-workers of the political satirical magazine Monos y Monadas, that began publication in 1978. He
32. Comic creator: Julio Fairlie
Julio Fairlie (b. 1922, Peru) Julio Eduardo Godofredo Fairlie was born in Tingo, Arequipa. His first job was in a textile factory, but from 1940, he contributed to Palomilla, a
33. Comic creator: Heduardo (Eduardo Rodríguez Díaz)
Rodríguez Díaz) (b. 1950, Peru) Eduardo Rodríguez Díaz was born in San Bartolo, Lima, and made his debut in Informe Ilustrado. He then created the comical 'Don Burguesini y su
34. Comic creator: Marisa Godínez
Marisa Godínez (Peru) Marisas Godínez contributed to the satirical magazine Monos y Monadas from the late 1970s. She is now artist for the magazine Chacarera. Artwork 2009
35. Comic creator: Karry
Carrión Cueva) (b. 196?, Peru) Julio Carrión Cueva, who uses the pseudonym Karry, is a graphical humorist and illustrator. He began his career in 1980, making cartoons in
36. Comic creator: Luis Baldoceda
Luis Baldoceda (b. 1941, Peru) Luis Baldoceda was born in Lima. He began his career in the mid-1960s as a contributor to a magazine of Correo Central. In 1973, he worked as poster
37. Comic creator: Minimo (Armando Villanueva Manrique)
Armando Villanueva Manrique) (Peru) Armando Villaneuva Manrique, who signed with Minimo, drew the comic 'Auqui el Morochuco' in the comic supplement Tío Carlitos of the magazine
38. Comic creator: Rubén Osorio
Osorio (Osito) (b. 1931, Peru) Born in Jauja, Juan Rubén Osorio Blanco (Osito) was an artist for the magazine Canillita, edited by Cano Romero. He was one of the main co-workers
39. Comic creator: Roberto Castro
Roberto Castro (Peru) Roberto Castro was born in the city of Lima, and studied painting and drawing at the Escuela Adelina Concha de Dibujo and at the Escuela Nacional De Bellas Artes.
40. Comic creator: Juan Acevedo
Juan Acevedo (b. 1949, Peru) Born in Lima, Juan ... the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He started his career with ... for the daily newpaper Perú 21. Artwork 2009 Juan